Sign Up for E-Delivery


Sign Up for E-Delivery Today!

Midas shareholders can sign up for e-delivery of their account statements, confirms, tax forms, and regulatory documents.

What are the shareholder benefits of signing up for e-delivery?

It’s fast and easy to sign up for e-delivery! Just follow these three simple steps:

There is no charge for shareholders to receive account statements, confirmations, and tax forms electronically (i.e., by e-delivery). However, if you elect to receive these materials in paper by mail, your account may be charged a $20 account service fee to cover printing, mailing, postage, handling, and related charges. The account service fee may be applied to both retirement and nonretirement Fund accounts and may be assessed on Fund accounts regardless of the account minimum. The fee, which will be collected by redeeming Fund shares in the amount of $20, will be deducted from Fund accounts subject to the fee once per calendar year.

Questions? To speak with a Shareholder Services Representative, please call 1-800-400-MIDAS (6432), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET, or email us at

Thank you for investing with Midas!